Sunday, 26 January 2014
WIP: Sternguard Veterans #1
Time for my second Sunday Post, a series which shall be named Crodon Sunday's. (Of course this doesn't stop YoshKa posting on Sunday's). This is the first half of my third squad of Sternguard Veterans. (Possibly even Tyrannic War Veterans ;) - only the ones with bolters of course)
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Tutorial: How to Paint Space Marines
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Tutorial: How to Paint Ork Boyz
So, with exams over for us both :D, I figured I should get posting and what better way to start it all off, than with a tutorial on a subject very dear to my heart - Ork Boyz!
This is an in depth and detailed tutorial for painting an Ork Boy in the Evil Sunz colours complete with high resolution images and detailed instructions. Full tutorial after the jump...
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