Sunday, 23 February 2014
WIP: Grey Knight Techmarine #1 (+ Big Kits)
Today has been spent painting more of my Grey Knights and in particular any vehicles. I have also finally started painting my custom built techmarine. Pictures after the jump.
White Dwarf Issue 4
Sorry for not getting this review done yesterday, as I was either out or reading this!!! This is the first White Dwarf that I am properly excited about. This probably is mainly due to the fact that it is 40k (and Imperial as well). Full Review after the jump...
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Imperial Knights: Piecing It Together
So much is known about this weekend's release, yet so little is know for certain about how the whole release for the Imperial Knights will look. At the end of the leaked White Dwarf it states: "Next Week: Freeblades". But what does this all mean, and why tell us what's coming next week?
More after the jump.
Monday, 17 February 2014
All New: Tactica Series
Here on Citadel of Paint both YoshKa and I are proud to bring you our new Tactica series. More after the jump...
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Readying for the Big Push
Today was not the most exciting of hobby days but a necessary evil: basing and spraying day. With now only 30 models left to base and all models sprayed I feel I have made quite an achievement.
I appreciate that spraying and basing pictures are probably not the most interesting, so today's Sunday post will show you the inside of my model cupboard where I hide some of my larger models. Pictures after the jump.
White Dwarf Issue 3
With the third issue of the new White Dwarf out, it would appear that although the format will be the same throughout each issue, there may possibly be some differences in the third issue of each series of releases. This welcome surprise comes in the form of both the Citadel Hall of Fame and a Battle Report - WITH WORDS!!! More after the jump.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Imperial Knights and Beyond
It is certainly an exciting time at the moment with leaks from the fourth issue of White Dwarf. The revelation of Codex: Imperial Knights and Codex: Legion of the Damned. More after the jump...
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Retouching and Grey Knights
Today I took the decision to repaint some old models, desperately in need of my now more experienced hand. They are not near completion yet, so they are a little messy. Here are shots so far for my work this Sunday.
Tutorial: How to Paint Ork Gretchin (40k)
Here is YoshKa's detailed tutorial on how to paint Ork Gretchin. Full tutorial and pictures after the jump...
Saturday, 8 February 2014
White Dwarf Issue 2
Another week means another White Dwarf and along with my paints today I picked up the second Issue of White Dwarf weekly (mainly because it made the price easier to pay, change wise).
So here is my next review of White Dwarf...
Paint Collection Complete
Monday, 3 February 2014
Images Back to Normal
I have absolutely no idea what happened to the images earlier on today but they have magically returned to normal. As a treat, here is some lovely artwork to keep your hobby hunger fed.
Image Faults
For some strange reason we are having some issues with our images showing up. I can't do anything about it now, but I would really appreciate if anyone could drop a comment below just to say what's not working for you (if anything).
This problem is mainly on the mobile version.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
WIP: Sternguard Veterans #2
Finally my Sternguard Veteran Squad's Assembly is completed. It is astonishing just how much effort has to go into a single unit.
However I think the results are definitely worth it. More pictures after the jump...
The White Dwarf is Dead
With a new year, comes another new overhaul for Games Workshop's monthly magazine, and the introduction of - essentially - two new magazines: White Dwarf, Weekly and the all new Warhammer: Visions.
From the rumours I had heard, I was looking forward to the two new style magazines. White Dwarf would be their weekly advertising "catalogue", displaying the new releases (and obviously allowing for releases every week) and that Warhammer: Visisons would be more hobby orientated and more like the old White Dwarf, minus the advertising.
As I said I was looking forward to them, but now I'm not so sure...
This post is purely for technical reasons but feel free to browse these pictures.
Don't Worry There will be some more posts later on...
Don't Worry There will be some more posts later on...