Sunday, 20 July 2014
WIP: Lava Craters
I painted the majority of these up a while ago but still need to finish off a few details. It was really great that I managed to get hold of some water effects - I'm a very lucky person!
Sunday, 13 July 2014
WIP: Honoured Imperium
Unfortunately it has been two months since the last painting article. And so, to celebrate our birthday, here is the first work in progress shot of my Honoured Imperium Statue - for an honoured website.
Happy Birthday Citadel of Paint!
Today this blog turns one year old. The first year has got off to a slow start and a few breaks but we hope to be more regular as time goes on.
Monday, 7 July 2014
Waaagh! Da Orks are kummin'!!!!!!
We will crush da puny hummies wiv da big klaws of Gork an Mork! Dakka dakka - Beware Grukk Face Rippa!! Waaagh!!!
The Orks have taken over Citadel of Paint and aren't allowing for any humans to appear amongst these pages for as long as possible.