Monday, 31 March 2014

WIP: Imperial Knight Errant #1

Here is the first Work in Progress shot of my Imperial Knight Errant.  The final addition to Attack Squad Solus...

I spent a while trying to pose the Knight to make sure it looked exactly how I wanted it to, only to discover that when I stick the armour panel down; the head will not be able to look in the intended position.  Oh Well!

I haven't stuck on any of the armour panels yet as I want to paint them separately.  This Knight will also be aligned with Imperial House Cadmus (Green in Colour).

In the end, I chose the Knight Errant purely because I just love Melta Weaponry and perhaps if I chose the Paladin he might camp in the backfield with the Rapid Fire Battlecannon and not get to use his mighty Reaper Chainsword.

Here are some shots with the model posed and based (more detail on the base when it has been fully painted) and then undercoated (I have just sat the armour panels on top for illustrative purposes).

Until next time.


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